Sunday, November 11, 2012

Treasure hunting- I mean parking

Where’s Waldo? Hide and go seek. I spy. If you think of any other games that are like looking for a parking spot at Aurora University, please leave in the comment box below. 

You can continue to loop around the parking lot, nothing is going to change.  I have the luxury of living close to campus and do not have to worry about finding a parking spot, but, I know how vicious of a world it is here at AU.  If a car’s white reverse lights come on, the Daytona 500 might as well have started, because that is what it is like watching cars make a B-Line to the almost empty parking space.

It’s no secret that parking is a HUGE issue here at AU, maybe even the biggest problem. gives AU parking a D- on their scale.

The following is a direct quote from Aurora University’s website: “Parking is available on campus. If campus parking lots are full, parking is available in the neighborhood surrounding the university…Please plan to arrive in sufficient time to find parking prior to the start of the ceremony.”  Now, let’s break this down.  First of all, props to university officials for trying to make it sound a lot better than it actually is.  Parking is available on campus.”  That’s correct AU, parking is available on campus, but for only 25 percent of the university community.  If campus parking lots are full, parking is available in the neighborhood surrounding the university.” Oh, absolutely correct once again, that is only if you accept the fact that you’re probably going to make some nice little suburban family angry and get a ticket by the Aurora Police Department.  And oh yeah, I forgot to mention, you’ll have to hike to class.  (probably in the snow as well).  As for the last part of the statement: “Please plan to arrive in sufficient time to find parking prior to the start of the ceremony.” Is class considered a ceremony now?

Bottom line, AU need’s to step up its parking game.  If you’re lucky enough to find a parking spot within 5 minutes of looking next day you have class, enjoy yourself, and realize, it will never happen again….

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